Innovative product cereal cat litter with odor control popular in North America

Innovative product cereal cat litter with odor control popular in North America
Innovative product cereal cat litter with odor control popular in North America
Innovative product cereal cat litter with odor control popular in North America
Innovative product cereal cat litter with odor control popular in North America
Innovative product cereal cat litter with odor control popular in North America
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6L/2.5KG,7L/2.8KG,10L/4.5KG or customized as your request.
Cereal cat litter, also known as grain-based cat litter, is a type of cat litter made from natural grains and straws , such as wheat straws, corn straws, wheat fibre, pea fibre,corn starch and guar gum. This type of cat litter is considered an eco-friendly alternative to traditional clay-based litters.Compared with normal tofu cat litter, it doesn't need to add any parfume in it to cover the odor, it can release the natural scent to abosrb the odors and keep your home fresh.
Innovative product cereal cat litter with odor control popular in North America

Plant-based cereal cat litter with good odor-control ability popular in North America

The world of pet care is ever-evolving, and one product making significant waves in North America is cereal cat litter. This innovative cat litter not only provides an effective solution for managing cat waste but also addresses some of the common challenges faced by pet owners. Here, we explore the features and specification of cereal cat litter and how to use it in North America.

"Cereal cat litter" typically refers to a type of cat litter made from grains and straws like wheat straws, corn straws, wheat fibre,corn starch,pea fibre and guar gum. This type of cat litter is a Innovative product to devote to eliminate the odors.And no need to add any parfume and its scent is natural, it will release the natural scent to cover the odors when the cats pee on it.The low protein grain fiber will help to prevent fermentaton and minimize bacterial growth.The deodorization period can last for 7 days at least and keep your house fresh.


"In this picture, we can see that cereal cat litter is also a clumping cat litter, the clumps are tight and not easy to break into small pieces"

The features of cereal cat litter are below:

Cereal cat litter is gaining popularity for its innovative features that set it apart from traditional cat litters. Here are some of its key features:

  1. Natural and Biodegradable: 

    Cereal cat litter is made from natural, renewable resources, making it biodegradable. It can break down naturally over time, which is more environmentally friendly compared to non-biodegradable litters.

  2. Clumping Ability:

    Cereal cat litters have clumping properties. When they come into contact with moisture, they form solid clumps that are easy to scoop out, similar to clay-based litters.

  3. Odor Control:

    Compared with other plant-based cat litter,cereal cat litters are effective at controlling odors. They can absorb and neutralize cat odors, helping to keep your home smelling fresh.

  4. Low Dust:

    Like other natural litters, cereal cat litters are generally low-dust or virtually dust-free. This reduces the risk of respiratory issues for both cats and their owners.

  5. Non-Toxic: 

    Cereal cat litters are typically non-toxic and safe for cats. They don't contain harsh chemicals or artificial fragrances that could be harmful to your pet.

  6. Flushable Options:

    The cereal cat litters are flushable, making disposal more convenient. However, it's crucial to follow the manufacturer's guidelines and ensure your plumbing system can handle it.

  7. Comfortable Texture:

    The texture of cereal cat litter is soft and comfortable for cats to walk on, making it appealing to many felines.

Cereal cat litter is a prime example of how innovation can improve the pet care experience. Its remarkable features have made it a popular choice in North America, catering to cat owners who demand effective odor control, eco-friendliness, and performance in their cat litter. As it continues to gain recognition and popularity, cereal cat litter is changing the way cat owners approach pet care and environmental responsibility.


"From this picture,we can see that the cereal cat litter is dust-free,it will be good for cat's for respiratory system and keep your floor clean"

The specification of cereal cat litter are below:

Granule   SizeDiameter 2mm
MaterialWheat straws,Corn straws,Corn starch,Pea fibre and Guar gum
Density 650-700g/Liter
Absorption   Rate350%
TrackLess track
DustLittle dust
Biodegradable Yes
Clumping Yes
Flushable Yes


"The picture show that the clumps of cereal cat litter are thin, it means it will be not sticky on your litter box. No extra work to clean your litter box every time"

How to use cereal cat litter?

Cereal cat litter is a popular choice among cat owners for its eco-friendliness and effective performance. Here's how to use it for your cat:

1. Choose the Right Cereal Cat Litter:

Start by selecting a high-quality cereal cat litter that suits your cat's preferences and your specific needs. There are various brands and formulations available, so read product labels and reviews to find the best one for your cat.

2. Prepare the Litter Box:

Begin with a clean litter box. Empty out any existing litter and wash the box with mild soap and water. Ensure it's dry before adding the new cereal cat litter.

3. Fill the Litter Box:

Fill the litter box with a layer of cereal cat litter to a depth of about 2-3 inches. This depth allows for effective clumping and odor control.

4. Scoop Waste Daily:

Just like with other clumping litters, scoop out the soiled clumps and waste daily using a scoop with slotted holes. Cereal cat litter typically forms solid clumps when it comes into contact with moisture, making it easy to remove.

5. Add Fresh Litter as Needed:

As you scoop out the soiled litter, you may notice that the level of litter in the box decreases. Add fresh cereal cat litter as needed to maintain the recommended depth of 2-3 inches. Cereal cat litter can last longer than non-clumping litters because you're only removing the soiled parts.

6. Regularly Empty and Clean the Litter Box:

Periodically, empty the entire litter box, clean it thoroughly with soap and water, and allow it to dry before refilling it with fresh cereal cat litter. The frequency of this will depend on your cat's usage and the type of cereal cat litter you use.

7. Observe Your Cat's Behavior:

Keep an eye on your cat's behavior when transitioning to cereal cat litter or using it for the first time. Some cats may take time to adjust to the new texture and scent. If your cat appears uncomfortable, consider a gradual transition by mixing small amounts of the new litter with the old one.

8. Dispose of Waste Properly:

Dispose of the scooped waste in a sealed bag and place it in the trash. Some brands of cereal cat litter are flushable, but be sure to follow the manufacturer's guidelines and ensure your plumbing system can accommodate flushable cat litter to prevent any potential clogs or damage. Responsible disposal of waste is essential for maintaining a clean and hygienic litter box environment.

By following these steps, you can provide your cat with a clean, comfortable, and eco-friendly litter box experience using cereal cat litter. This natural and sustainable option is an excellent choice for both your pet and the environment.

Elevating Your Pet Business with Innovative Cereal Cat Litter Procurement

In today's competitive pet industry in North America, staying ahead of the curve is paramount. One surefire way to set your business apart is by incorporating innovative products, such as cereal cat litter, into your inventory. This article explores the myriad benefits of procuring this forward-thinking solution for your pet business.

Diversification and Unique Offering

By sourcing innovative products like cereal cat litter, your business can diversify its offerings. This unique product not only sets you apart from competitors but also appeals to a broader customer base seeking eco-friendly and alternative pet care options.

Meeting Evolving Consumer Preferences

In an era where eco-consciousness is on the rise, offering a biodegradable and sustainable option like cereal cat litter caters to pet owners who prioritize environmental responsibility. This not only aligns with their values but also showcases your business's commitment to a greener future.

Enhanced Pet Health and Well-being

The benefits of cereal cat litter extend beyond environmental considerations. Depending on its specific features, this innovative product may reduce dust, allergies, and improve odor control. Ultimately, this contributes to the overall health and comfort of pets, a key concern for every responsible pet owner.

Strategic Marketing Opportunities

Introducing an innovative product presents a golden marketing opportunity. You can highlight the unique features of cereal cat litter in your promotional materials, creating buzz and drawing the attention of discerning pet owners who seek the best for their furry companions.

Fostering Customer Loyalty and Satisfaction

Providing cutting-edge, quality products demonstrates that your business is dedicated to the well-being of pets. This commitment builds trust and loyalty among your customer base, as they rely on your business to provide top-tier products for their beloved pets.

Potential for Premium Pricing

Depending on the market and the specific advantages of the cereal cat litter, you may have the opportunity to command a premium price compared to standard cat litters. This can bolster your revenue streams and contribute to the overall profitability of your business.

Environmental Stewardship

With an increasing emphasis on sustainability and environmental impact, offering a biodegradable cereal cat litter aligns perfectly with the values of conscientious consumers. This not only expands your customer base but also positions your business as a responsible industry leader in North America.

Stimulating Word-of-Mouth and Recommendations

Satisfied customers are natural advocates. When the cereal cat litter proves effective and beneficial for their pets, they're likely to spread the word about your business. This organic form of marketing can lead to a steady stream of new customers seeking out your innovative products.

Incorporating innovative products like cereal cat litter into your inventory is a strategic move that can propel your pet business to new heights. By diversifying offerings, meeting evolving consumer preferences, and prioritizing pet health and well-being, you're not only setting your business apart but also contributing to a more sustainable and responsible pet industry. Embrace this opportunity, and watch your business thrive in the dynamic world of pet care in North America.


1. What is cereal cat litter?

Cereal cat litter is new innovative product with good odor control ability.It is a kind of clumping cat litter and eco-friendly cat litter, 

2. Is cereal cat litter safe for cats?

Cereal cat litter is generally considered safe for cats. It is typically non-toxic and lacks harmful chemicals or artificial fragrances. However, if your cat has specific sensitivities or allergies, consult with your veterinarian before using it.

3. Does cereal cat litter clump like traditional clay litters?

Our cereal cat litters have clumping properties. When they come into contact with moisture, they form solid clumps that are easy to scoop out, similar to clay-based litters.

4. How does cereal cat litter compare to clay litters in terms of odor control?

Cereal cat litter is often praised for its effective odor control capabilities. It can absorb and neutralize cat odors, helping to keep your home smelling fresh. And no need to add parfume to cover the odors.

5. Is cereal cat litter biodegradable?

Yes, cereal cat litter is biodegradable. It can naturally break down over time, which is more environmentally friendly compared to non-biodegradable litters.

6. Can I flush cereal cat litter down the toilet?

Our cereal cat litter are flushable, but it's important to follow the manufacturer's guidelines. Additionally, ensure that your plumbing system can handle it to avoid any clogs or issues.

7. Does cereal cat litter produce a lot of dust?

Cereal cat litters are generally low-dust or virtually dust-free, reducing the risk of respiratory issues for both cats and their owners.

8. Can I mix cereal cat litter with other types of litter?

While it's possible to mix cereal cat litter with other litters, it's generally recommended to use it on its own to fully benefit from its properties. Mixing litters might affect clumping and odor control performance.

9. How do I transition my cat to cereal cat litter if they're used to a different type of litter?

Transition your cat gradually by mixing small amounts of the new cereal cat litter with their current litter. Gradually increase the proportion of cereal litter over several days until your cat is comfortable with the new litter.

10. How often should I change the entire litter box with cereal cat litter?

The frequency of changing the entire litter box depends on your cat's usage. Generally, it's recommended to empty and clean the box regularly and add fresh litter as needed to maintain a clean and odor-free environment.

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Name: Robert B        time:2024-05-09 15:19:44
We purchase 20 tons of ceiling cat litter from this company every year. The quality has never let us down and the prices are very reasonable.

Name: Daneil        time:2023-10-07 11:48:19
The cereal cat litter is pretty good at odor control, I love the natural scent very much.Our new orders are on the way.

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